Sunday, May 12, 2013


After reaching the point in my education where I am learning more about pedagogy than academic content it is very rough for me to begin an essay. I have not had a class in two semesters that has asked me to analysis literature, texts, or anything else with an academic lens. Here is my very rough draft that consists only of my introduction.

       The movie "Slumdog Millionaire", an award winning film reached the masses throughout the globe. The film used an American director and Indian director to portray the story of the impoverished "slumdogs" of Mumbai, India. While this film exposes the harsh conditions of many of the Indian people, it also romanticizes the tale by ending the story with a "happily ever after". The film focuses on two brothers and their attempt to survive in the slums of India as young orphans, and their tale growth. Through the lives and choices of these two brothers Jamal and Salim, you are shown the appeal of the two different types of utopia. While Salim, the older brother serves as a representation of a right winged utopia with a free market, where capitalism flourishes, Jamal, the younger brother represents a more leftist utopia, where all people are given a chance to survive and flourish by elimination of "the root of all evil".

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