Monday, May 13, 2013

The Final final Post

            Entering the English Seminar course I was nervous seeing that the course was the culminating course for my English Bachelors Degree. Seeing I have no experience with blogging I was very happy to find that the blog would be an educational outlet and we must keep the blog as a profession academic space, as I struggle with creativity at times. The class was very easy to come into and discuss the ideas of global context and the idea that the medium shapes the message. This idea is a very important concept, with the world entering a period where technology is changing by the moment and the medium is changing the way students read, write, and understand concepts introduced. The delivery of information has changed dramatically, for example students no longer read in linear order. Unlike a book where information is presented to students in a specific order, now information is presented to students on the Internet that now has links within an informational piece that can take students from an article on zoo animals to Bengal tigers to living conditions in India. Student learning is dynamically changing from day to day and it is up to the teachers to keep up with this.

            An interesting term we covered this semester was hypermediacy, which discusses the medium of a piece and whether you are forced to notice the medium or not. For example if you think of a sitcom or a science fiction film, during a sitcom at times you feel as if the actors are your friends and you are actually a part of the show. However if you are watching a Star Trek film, you are forced to focus on the medium of the film because you are constantly reminded this is a film. Now that I understand this term I see hypermediacy in everyday life. Particularly I see hypermediacy in high fashion. In normal day fashion you see people wearing clothing that blends in with society, however when people wear avant garde pieces, you are reminded that this is high fashion by the outstanding nature of these pieces.

            I appreciated the use of blogging with in the course because I never knew how exciting a blog could be. Looking at my classmates pages I see the creativity and their personalities shining out of the screen and it is incredible to see what a few pictures can do for your blog. Even adding videos or a nice background changes the feel of your blog, which is so amazing.

            The most valuable information I have gain from this course, is from the discussions that took place during class. I have gain so much knowledge from the open discussion that we have had in class. Surprisingly unlike any English class I have enrolled in, everyone was respectful and no one insulted anyone. I must say that this has been one of the classes I looked forward to coming to each class period. I even was excited to bring my daughter into class with me, and to my surprise, we went over the Lion King to show the constructs of the Father, Son archetype. I will truly miss all of you and I hope you all succeed in all your endevours.

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